- (Büchi)-Rührautoklaven für Polymerisationsreaktionen
- Pyrolyseofen
- Glove-Boxen (MBRAUN UNIlab)
- Fixed Bed-Reaktor
- Multiple-Test-Reaktoren (Parr-High pressure autoclaves)
- Gefriertrocknungsanlage
- High Temperature GPC (Polymer Laboratories GPC 220)
- Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction - STOE STADIVARI 200K
- Elementar Analysis
- GC and GC-MS
- ....
- (Multikern)-NMR (Varian 300 u. 400 MHz)
Below you can find details to the available analytic equipment in our group. We also provide analytic services for external academic and industrial partners. Please contact us for further inquiries and any pricing information.
Polymer Analytics
- High-Temperature GPC
- Standard GPC-Analysis
Elemental Analysis
- CHN-Analysis of organic compounds and organometallics: download order form
- Equipment: Elementar Vario EL III
Analysis of Organig Compounds
- Chiral HPLC-Analysis - Agilent 1200 Series /100-Vial Autosampler - Column: Daicel Chiralpak IB
- GC-Analysis - Agilent 6890N / 100-Vial Autosampler - Column: HP-5
- GC-Analysis - Agilent 6850 / 27-Vial Autosampler - Column: Optima 17
- GC-Analysis - Agilent 6890N + WLD - Column: MOL SIV + FID Column: Optima Wax plus
- GC-MS-Analysis - Agilent 7890A + 5975C, inert MSD / 8-Vial Autosampler - Column: HP-5 MS
- Multinuclear Liquid Experiments
- 1D, 2D-Analyses
- Time-resolved Kinetic Experiments
- Equipment: Varian Unity INOVA 300 and INOVA 400 & Bruker ARX 250 NMR machines