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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Sustainable Chemistry Centre

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32nd Colloquy on Organometallic Chemistry for Catalysis

Organization: Rhett Kempe, Dana Dopheide

12.09.2024 – 13.09.2024

Lecture Hall H13 in building NW I, Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth, Germany

until: 15.08.2024 via email to sekretariat.ac2@uni-bayreuth.de
When registering the talk or poster, please send us the name of the presenter (m/f/d), the talk title and an abstract using the template attached here.
Registration fee: 110€

Special topic:
Chain Transfer Catalysis for Sustainability

here you find the program of the conference and the book of abstracts

keynote lectures,invited oral contributions, oral contributions, posters

Keynote Lectures:
Prof. Dr. Christophe Boisson, CNRS Lyon
Prof. Dr. Roberta Cipullo, University of Naples
Dr. Rob Duchateau, Sabic
Prof. Dr. Bun Yeoul Lee, Ajou University
Prof. Dr. Lawrence R. Sita, University of Mayland
Prof. Dr. Philippe Zinck, University of Lille
SFB Multitrans



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