33rd Colloquy on Organometallic Chemistry for Catalysis

Organization: Rhett Kempe, Dana Dopheide
24.09.2025 – 26.09.2025
Lecture Hall H14 in building NW I, Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth, Germany
until: 15.08.2025 via email to sekretariat.ac2@uni-bayreuth.de
When registering the talk or poster, please send us the name of the presenter (m/f/d), the talk title and an abstract using the template attached here.
Registration fee: 170€
Special topic:
Catalysis with abundantly available metals
here you find the program of the conference and the book of abstracts
keynote lectures,invited oral contributions, oral contributions, posters
Keynote Lectures:
Prof. Dr. Qiang Liu, Tsinghua University